


How Do I Prepare for the Treatment?

There are a few things you should do in order to prepare for the treatment:

  • Don’t go sunbathing or tanning for about 2 weeks. Tanned skin is more sensitive.

  • Stop using any retinol or Vitamin A products one month prior. These thin out the skin and make it bleed more.

  • Avoid alcohol, caffeine, ibuprofen, aspirin and fish oil supplements for at least 24 hours prior to your appointment.

  • Don’t pluck or wax your eyebrows at least a week before the treatment.

  • Don’t do any facials at least two weeks before the treatment.

  • If you take blood-thinning medication, consult your GP and see if it would be safe to discontinue the use for a few weeks.


    What Does Microshading Aftercare Involve?

    Once you’re finished with your treatment, your skin will need some time to heal, during which you need to pay some special attention to it.

    Here’s everything you need to know about microshading aftercare:

    • On day 1 clean the lymph build-up 2-3 times a day. Starting from day 2, wash the area as often as prescribed with sterile water. Your eyebrows are an open wound, which needs to be cleaned.

    • Your artist will probably prescribe an aftercare ointment. Make sure to apply the ointment 3 times a day, or following a different schedule prescribed by your artist. Always use clean fingers or a cotton swab.

    • Never touch the treated area with your fingers unless they are completely clean. The same goes for q-tips, cotton swabs, and basically any surface that comes into contact with your brows.

    • Sleep on a clean pillowcase, ideally a silk one.

    • Do not scratch, rub, pick or peel the healing skin. Allow it to flake off on its own so as not to damage your skin or your results.

    • Always apply a light coat of ointment on the area before a shower or bath, and continue with this until the treated area is completely healed.

    • Avoid any makeup, facials, sweating, sun exposure, sauna, jacuzzi, or swimming until the area is completely healed.

    • Try to avoid getting your eyebrows soaking wet. If they get wet, pat them dry as soon as possible. No rubbing!

    • Do not use any anti-aging products, especially those that contain lactic acids, glycolic acids, and retinol, as they will fade your eyebrow area.

    • In order to prevent future fading of your pigment color, use sunblock whenever you’re outside.

    Once the peeling phase ends, you may proceed with your regular activities, but it’s best to keep avoiding certain skincare ingredients, and keep wearing sunblock.


    How Long Does Microshading Healing Last?

    It takes 6-8 weeks for your brows to completely heal. This is how long it takes for the tissue underneath the skin surface to recover, and that’s why you can’t get a touch up sooner than that.

    The surface symptoms of healing last much shorter.

    Your eyebrows will go through several phases during the healing cycle and not all of them will be very attractive.

    Days 1-2

    Your brows will look too dark for a few days after the treatment.

    Days 3 – 7

    A scabby film will cover your brows around day 5. Do not touch it.

    Days 7 – 14

    The scabs will start peeling off on day 7 or so. It may go through 2 cycles of peeling. Do not pick at the peeling skin.

    Day 14 Onwards

    If the peeling has finished, the surface of your skin has healed. If it’s still peeling, keep following the aftercare rules until it has stopped.

    The pigments will look too light right after peeling. Don’t worry, they’ll gradually darken within a few weeks.

    What Should I Avoid During Healing?

    Make sure you avoid the following activities so your brows heal properly and avoid infections:

    • Swimming

    • Sports or anything that will cause excessive sweating

    • Saunas, steam baths, hot baths, long showers or jacuzzis

    • Too much sun exposure

    • Any skincare product not prescribed by your artist

    • Any kind of beauty treatments, especially chemical peels

    • Picking, peeling, or scratching the pigmented area

    • Sleeping on your face


      When Should I Get a Touch Up?

      The first touch up is done 6-8 weeks after the initial treatment and it’s mandatory for most clients.

      The healing process sometimes leaves sparse patches where pigments didn’t settle properly, and the touch up is a chance to replenish them and perfect the results.

      Further touch ups are up to you, they’re not mandatory. However, if you want to keep your brows looking fresh, annual touch ups are recommended.

      How Long Will My Microshaded Eyebrows Last?

      Being a semi-permanent eyebrow treatment, microshading can last from 1 to 3 years, with annual touch ups recommended for best results.

      However, note that your aftercare routine and general lifestyle in combination with your skin type will affect how long microshading brows last. They’ll fade sooner if they’re exposed to sunlight, salt and pool water, and harsh skincare ingredients often.

      You can book a touch up as soon as you notice that your pigment is fading. If you wait too long, you will perhaps need to go through the whole process again which is longer and more expensive